Reference - LBS and fleet monitoring

ČEZ group

  • delivery of Fleetware on NaviGate system for management of ČEZ emergency vehicles, including visualization of network information from GIS system.
  • web service – operation of the service for ČEZ Správa majetku (assets management 2007-2012).
  • web service – operation of the service for ČEZ Romania and Bulgaria.

Sherlog Trace

  • delivery and operation of Position Services for fleet management system in South a Central America countries (México, Colombia, Perú, Chile, Argentina.

T-Mobile Czech Republic

  • delivery and operation T-Mobile GPS Locator - personal tracking application.

Reach-U Estonia

  • Map data for LBS solutions of Reach-U(Regio).

Rescue services - Czech Republic

  • Fleetware system for ÚZZS Jihomoravského kraje (the South-Moravian region).
  • Fleetware system for ÚZZS Pardubického kraje (the Pardubice region).
  • Fleetware system for ÚZZS Libereckého kraje (the Liberec region).
  • Fleetware system for ÚZZS Ústeckého kraje (the Ústí nad Labem region).

Road administration and maintenance

  • Fleetware system for SÚS Jihomoravského kraje (the South-Moravian region).
  • Fleetware system for SÚS Ústeckého kraje (the Ústí nad Labem region).
  • Fleetware system for SÚS Pardubického kraje (the Pardubice region).
  • Fleetware system for SÚS Královehradeckého kraje (the Hradec Králové region).
  • Fleetware system for Regionálna správa ciest Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.

International transport

  • Fleetware system for NYK Logistics (TPCA Kolín).
  • Fleetware system for BT Transport Žilina.
  • Fleetware system for TPD Transport.

Intergraph Poland

  • Map data delivery for fleet management system.

Telefónica O2 Czech Republic

  • delivery and operation of Position Services for fleet management system O2 Car Control.

VE Systems Polsko

  • delivery and operation of Position Services for fleet management system

Slovak Telekom

  • LBS middleware and integration to ST infrastructure, web and mobile frontend applications,LBS service “Kde je...” (Where is..).

Gannet Guard Systems / Imagis Poland

  • Map data delivery for fleet management system Gannet Guard System - in cooperation with Imagis S.A.


  • Fleetware system for Madeta Group.

Eltodo EG

  • Fleetware system for Eltodo EG Group.


  • Fleetware system for Tescoma.

Impromat CZ

  • Fleetware system for Impromat CZ company.

Veolia - PVK

  • delivery of NaviGate and Fleetware system for some of the companies from Veolia Group – SČVaK, PVK.

Other water supply providers

  • Fleetware system for Brněnské vodovody a kanalizace.
  • Fleetware system for VAS Boskovice.

ČSOB Leasing

  • Fleetware system for ČSOB Leasing.
  • Fleetware system for ČSOB Leasing Slovakia.