Position Services - Cloud computing
Position Services - Search
- Position Services - Search service provides functions allowing to search out addresses or ZIP codes all over the Europe with row and structured input.
- Support for HINT services.
- Calling options: The service may be called via SOAP or HTTP GET method with parameters embedded in URL address or HTTP POST metod (FORM or XML parameters).
- With the second call option (HTTP) the service provides two types of output: XML or JSON.
- Safety of the service is provided by communication via secured SSL channel - THAWTE certificate. Tradition and quality of THAWTE certificates give clients full confidence into the reliability of security.
- Parameterization of the service is possible (number of results, output projection, user ID, structured output, fields etc.)
Access to Position Services - Search service
- The access to the service is secured by username and password.
- The access is possible using standard access parameters or even more easily by incorporating the access data into URL address.
- Variant A) https://search.position.cz/data?auser=XXXX&apass=YYYY
- Variant B) https://search.position.cz/data/XXXX/YYYY/
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Position Services - Search